- Electronic Projects
Posted on Sunday, November 9, 2008 • Category: PCB

Produce your own single-sided flexible printed circuits using a solid ink printer, copper-coated polyimide film, and common circuit board etching chemicals. You will find flex PCBs inside most cellphones or similar miniaturized gadgets. Flex PCBs are useful for making tiny cables and extremely lightweight circuits. However, few shops yet make custom flex PCBs for reasonable prices in small volumes.
Posted on Sunday, August 3, 2008 • Category: Frequency Wave Generators

Here is an extremely simple and low cost Sine/Square wave generator based on the Analog Devices AD9835 Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) Generator chip. The frequency can be set for any frequency from 1Hz to 10MHz in 1Hz resolution steps! All this with three push buttons and a novel “sliding window” LED display. The controller chip is a Microchip PIC16F628.
Posted on Wednesday, May 7, 2008 • Category: Audio DAC

This project is a set of two DAC's made for my friend. The first one is NOS-DAC designed by Peter Daniel based on TDA1543 and CS8412 SPDIF receiver. The other one is a little modified version of USB PCM2702 DAC from TI application note.
The heart of this part is low-cost 16-bit Philips DAC. As a SPDIF decoder was chosen Cirrus Logic CS8412 IC with SN75179 as an input driver. Each IC have it's own AN800x regulator and there are separate wiring for alalog and digital section.
Posted on Wednesday, May 7, 2008 • Category: Audio DAC

The Nonoz III sounds the most accurate of all. It has better dynamics, more detail and maybe is even a bit smoother than version I and II. For the past months, I have been busy with experiments to improve the Nonoz II DAC. This has resulted in the Nonoz III DAC. I have the feeling that some parts of the Nonoz III can be improved and tuned. Still, I think that the current version is worthy of a release. In the next months, I'll see what improvements can be made...
ICs used: TDA1543 DAC, CD8412 S/P-DIF Receiver
Posted on Tuesday, May 6, 2008 • Category: FM Transmitters

This is a high quality PLL Stereo FM Transmitter with build-in VHF amplifier for longer transmission range. It is based on BH1417 chip that offers high quality crystal clear stereo transmission. Eight available frequencies are controlled by grounding S1, S2 and S3 pins on header connector. Includes, high quality ROHM BH1417 transmitter chip, on-board amplifier increases transmission range, uses 7.6MHz crystal for rock-solid PLL FM transmission, crystal based Stereo Encoder and 3.5 standard audio input jack.
Posted on Monday, May 5, 2008 • Category: Amplifiers

This a LM3886 amplifier that features both balanced (XLR) and unbalanced (RCA) audio inputs.
I've changed the internal circuits of this ChipAmp or so called "GainClone" to use premade circuit boards. The reason for this is that the bass/ low frequency response of the prior version was not as powerful as I would have liked. It is said that simply adding more capacitance to the power supply improves this, but worsens the high frequency characteristics. Boards use a noninverting amplification scheme, versus the inverting circuit I had used previously, I have heard some people mention that noninverting is better in some respects so wanted to try it. At the bottom of the page you will see the different schematics for the inverting and noninverting designs. In addition, Images will now load in a new window.
Posted on Sunday, May 4, 2008 • Category: Audio DAC

This circuit will convert differential sources single ended unbalanced RCA signal. It is useful to connecting DAC with balanced outputs such as PCM1794, PCM1798, PCM1730 to an amplifier that only have RCA audio inputs. INA134 is used as a XLR differential digital receiver or buffer for RCA inputs.
Posted on Sunday, May 4, 2008 • Category: Audio DAC

There are 3 circuit boards, one for the receiver DIR1701, one for the DAC and one for a second filter for balanced outputs.
I made separate boards for easier upgrade in the future..
The result is fantastic, I'm hearing details I couldn't hear before. Well done Burr Brown - TI.
IC used: PCM1730, DIR1701, OPA627
Posted on Sunday, May 4, 2008 • Category: Audio DAC

This is quite possibly the simplest S/PDIF receiver and DAC available. It uses the absolute minimum of parts, and also minimizes the connections and control functionality usually provided. It is still a serious project, and is not recommended for beginners. As shown, the connection is COAX (but will almost certainly handle TTL just as well). If you want a dedicated TTL to COAX converter, there is an adapter shown at the end of this article. The spare gates in the 74HC04 package may be used for the adapter if desired.
Posted on Saturday, May 3, 2008 • Category: Amplifiers
Gainclone in the inverted mode with the pot at its input is great amplifier, so it will work fine without any preamp or input buffer. However, here is a suggestion for the further improvement of some parameters of the sound of the inverted gainclone. During experiments, I paid special attention not to loose the good sides of the original, unbuffered inverted gainclone. © 2007-2025. All Rights Reserved.