Posted on Friday, February 18, 2011 • Category:
For a long time I needed a good programmer pussy, even if it is programming, so from time to time the application gets where it is used. So I decided to build the programmer. I chose between a couple of projects from different authors, but eventually won PICkit2. Microchip released the schema directly in the user manual for the programmer. On the Internet there are multiple versions of the programmer, it's usually cropped version of the log analyzer features, UART terminal, etc., 12V inverter is a modified version of it and control the MOSFETs, unlike bipolar transistors used in the original design. And it also showed that becomes due to the switching inductance feta leave. Finally, I chose to use the original scheme, although it is quite complicated and the parts used in our country can not normally buy, but my problems with finding parts easily solved. I bought a transistor, the 16F2550 PIC and a few other things, resistors and fry the rest I bought from "us". The price is pretty high, unfortunately, moving it around and 600CZK, the main prize and two processor makes the EEPROM. Below we describe the involvement and put into operation.
PIC12F675 - Flashing LED
PAL/NTSC Video Text Generator
DS18B20 Bluetooth Thermometer
Serial LCD Controller
PIC18F2550 Project Board
PIC NIC Ethernet Controller
PIC PIN / PORT Extender
Relay Timer with PIC16F628
Basic PIC18F4550 USB Communication Interface © 2007-2025. All Rights Reserved.