Posted on Tuesday, May 17, 2011 • Category:
FM Radio / Receivers
This project is a FM Radio based on TDA7000 and LM386 integrated circuits. What is unusual about TDA7000 IC is how it operates. It is a proper FM superhet receiver, with the usual local oscillator, mixer, IF amplifier, limiter, and phase detector. The difference is that there's only one tuned circuit; the local oscillator. Like the Pulse Counting Receiver, the TDA7000 relies on a low IF so that ordinary Op Amp circuitry can take care of the gain and bandpass characteristics. Only 70Kc/s is used with the TDA7000. Now, you might remember that the deviation of a broadcast FM signal is +/- 75Kc/s. A fully modulated signal would therefore sound rather distorted. So, how can this IC work?
It's quite simple in that there is what Philips call a Frequency Locked Loop. Basically, the local oscillator is shifted in response to detector output so that the bandwidth of the mixer output is never more than +/- 15Kc/s. It is actually compressing the frequency range of the modulated signal.
The muting or squelch feature is novel to say the least. Although it performs as any other muting circuit does, the TDA7000 provides an artificial noise generator so that the receiver still sounds alive while tuned off station. If you don't need that feature, just remove the .022uF condenser at pin 3. Not all Philips data sheets show it, but connecting a 10K resistor from the supply to pin 1 will disable the squelch.
Stereo FM Receiver Single Chip FM Receiver TDA7012 Simple FM Radio Aircraft Transmission Receiver Small FM Receiver Single Chip Radio FM Receiver FM Radio Receiver using TDA7088 Cell Phone Detector FM Broadcast Receiver FM Radio Receiver © 2007-2025. All Rights Reserved.