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LM386 Amplifiers
Posted on Sunday, January 30, 2011   •   Category: Amplifiers

LM386 Amplifiers

Many electronic projects require the use of a small audio amplifier. Be it a radio transceiver, a digital voice recorder, or an intercom, they all call for an audio amp that is small, cheap, and has enough power to provide adequate loudness to fill a room, without pretending to serve a disco! About one Watt RMS seems to be a convenient size, and this is also about the highest power that a simple amplifier fed from 12V can put into an 8 Ohm speaker. A very low saturation amplifier may go as high up as 2 Watt, but any higher power requires the use of a higher voltage power supply, lower speaker impedance, a bridge circuit, or a combination of those. During my many years building electronic things I have needed small audio amps many times, and have pretty much standardized on a few IC solutions, first and and foremost the LM386, which is small, cheap, and very easy to use. But it does not produce high quality audio... For many applications, the advantages weigh more than the distortion and noise of this chip, so that I used it anyway. In other cases I used different chips, which perform better but need more complex circuits. Often these chips were no longer available the next time I needed a small amplifier.

     100W LM3886 Parallel Stereo Power Amplifier
     Stereo Audio Amplifier with TDA2616
     DS1802 Stereo Digital Volume Control
     68W LM3886 Amplifier
     Stereo Tone Control Circuit with Adjustable Bass-Treble
     68 Watts LM3886 Power Amplifier
     Class A Amplifier 8W
     High Performance Stereo Audio Amplifier Using LM3886
     OCL Power Amp
     Bass Treble Tone Control Circuit
LM386 Amplifiers


Build Accurate LC Meter and start making your own coils and inductors. This LC Meter allows to measure incredibly small inductances making it perfect tool for making all types of RF coils. LC Meter can measure inductances starting from 10nH - 1000nH, 1uH - 1000uH, 1mH - 100mH and capacitances from 0.1pF up to 900nF. The circuit includes an auto ranging and reset function to make sure the readings are as accurate as possible ... [more]

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AC / DC Innveters
AM Radio
Audio Attenuators
Audio DAC
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CNC Milling Devices
Counters / Frequency Meters
Fluorescent Lamps
FM Radio / Receivers
FM Transmitters
Frequency Wave Generators
Headphone Amplifiers
iPOD Hacks
LC Meter
Motor Controllers
MP3 Players
PC Circuits
Phone Circuits
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Power Supplies
RC Servo Motors
Remote Control
RF Radio Frequency
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Stepper Motors
Stereo Encoders
Test and Measurement
Timer Circuits
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USB Circuts
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USB Soundcards / USB Headphones
Volume Control