- Electronic Projects
Posted on Sunday, October 6, 2013 • Category: Remote Control
This little project will demonstrate how you can use NEC IR protocol based TV, DVD or VCR remote control to control you home appliances like fan bulb or virtually anything. There are lots of projects out there to accomplish this task but i have to write my own code because of too many requests on IR infrared Remote Control Relay Board with PIC12F675 Microcontroller. There are a number of consumer Infrared protocols out there and they have been used for every single purpose possible, like PDA laptops and other consumer appliances. RC-5 & RC-6 by Phillips, RCA are few examples of consumer IR protocols.
Posted on Thursday, May 2, 2013 • Category: Remote Control
If you want control the DVD or TV/AV system that located in your living room via the remote control when you sleeping in your Bedroom. this IR extender will achieve this for you. Basically, it works as a repeater that moves the IR signal to a different location. This is an improved IR remote control extender circuit. It has high noise immunity, is resistant to ambient and reflected light and has an increased range from remote control to the extender circuit of about 7 meters. It should work with any domestic apparatus that use 36-38kHz for the IR carrier frequency.
Posted on Sunday, May 8, 2011 • Category: Remote Control
This IR remote control that you can use to control other devices or circuits up to 8 devices.
The control codes are sent in RC5 format modulated to about 38 kHz carrier frequency.The IR transmitter powered by the CR2016 which is a 3V button Cells Battery CR2016.To extend the life of the battery this is done by putting the CPU into SLEEP mode for most of the time and wake-up only when a key is pressed. PIC16F630 is the heart of the transmitter used to send IR command to receiver.It also generate 38KHz carrier frequency.The CR2016 is 3V battery which is supply for the circuit.
When any key not pressed the CPU work in SLEEP mode to reduce baterry power consumption and wake-up only when any key pressed. To wake-up the CPU from SLEEP mode the CPU use interrupt on change feature which interrupted when the state on PORTA change then the program execution after an interrupt is at the interrupt vector, if the global interrupt is not enabled, the program starts executing the first line of code right after the SLEEP instruction.In the interrupt service routine the software will scan the key that pressed and send IR command appropriate with key pressed.
Posted on Saturday, May 7, 2011 • Category: Remote Control
This is a 8 channel RF remote control project. The transmitter powered by 5V.the RF module I used had long start-up and power down period after receiving a high pulse. To counter all of this I kept the receiver in constant standby mode, but sending a information all the time. That way the noise is flooded out, and the receiver will always respond. I had been trying all sorts of error detection methods and different ways of encoding the bytes, when I just gave up. Since the link is so noisy I decided to cut out all of the error detection methods and just make it accept anything it receives, and see what happened from there. But what do you know, it worked!
Posted on Monday, May 2, 2011 • Category: Remote Control
This circuit consists of Transmitter and Receiver section. The circuit can be used to control home appliances within a range of 30 meters. In open area, you can expect a range of 100 meters. The circuit comprises HT12 Encoder and Decode IC's. HT12 Encoder is used in the transmitter (remote) circuit where as HT12E is used in receiver circuit. The Encode IC encodes the 4 bits of data and transmit it serially to to RF Transmitter module. These 433Mhz transmitter and receiver modules operate using ASK Modulation.
Posted on Sunday, May 1, 2011 • Category: Remote Control
This is another remote control for my RF light switch. Pretty much the same as before but on a smaller PCB. Also ended up putting it in an old Maxim sample box.
I found a couple of button nubs in my junk box so decided to go with those. Even so I had to raise the buttons with pieces of rubber. A piece of tape keeps the buttons from falling out when the box is opened and also adds some tolerance for misalignment.
Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2011 • Category: Remote Control
The function of the device is very simple. Any IR remote than can be programmed to use the Sony protocol will work. The module outputs the device code (TV/VCR/DVD/AUX) and the button pressed, so the device can be used on as many different projects as your remote has devices (usually four). The numeric keys output the number of the key (0 outputs a 0, etc.). The function keys all output unique numbers. Note that not all buttons are available depending on which device you have selected. The VCR setting seems to use most of the keys on the remote. Also note that the first key pressed after the device is powered up does not output what it should. All subsequent numbers are correct. Luckily, all of the numbers so generated make a number different than any of the key codes, so it doesn't cause any problem. This could even be used to let the device know if it has just been powered up or rebooted. I have no idea why it does this.
Posted on Sunday, April 10, 2011 • Category: Remote Control
This is a remote controllable light switch that comes with an RF remote. The only light switch is across the room from my PC and it's a pretty large room. (The building's basically a 1-room apartment) so this works out great with the remote. Of course since I'm using the remote to cut the lights when I go to bed I'm basically using the remote from two places which brings with it the unavoidable annoyance of the remote being in the wrong place all the time. Which means I have to get up and look for it which is effectively as much of an annoyance as it was meant to solve. So I wanted a second controller that would basically be a stationary switch by my bed so I could leave the portable remote around the desk.
Posted on Friday, March 25, 2011 • Category: Remote Control
Having the ability to control various appliances inside or outside of your house wirelessly is a huge convenience, and can make your life much easier and fun. RF remote control provides long range of up to 200m / 650ft and it works even through the walls. You can control many low voltage gadgets including motors, RC cars, robotic devices, amplifiers or 110V/220V appliances through relays such as lights, fans, AC systems, home appliances, garage doors, security systems, motor-driven curtains, motorized window blinds, door locks, sprinklers, motorized projection screens and anything else you can think of.
4-CH RF remote control is used to turn ON / OFF four different devices independently. Any of the four outputs can be configured to work independently in either toggle or momentary mode. Outputs are buffered by BC549 NPN transistors and can drive low voltage devices directly such us motors or be connected to either 5V or 12V relays to control appliances that use 110V / 220V mains voltage or any voltage of your choice.
Multiple remote systems can be used independently to control more than four appliances in the same location by changing the address code on 433MHz receiver and remote. It is also possible to use several remotes to control the same appliance such as garage door.
Posted on Monday, March 21, 2011 • Category: Remote Control
There are lot of remote controls like infrared, RF, SMS (like my other circuit) and more. The basic small-range remote controls are 2, Infrared and RF (Radio Frequency). One of the weaks of Infrared is that the signal can not pass the walls. So, if you want to control your garage door, the only way is to use some RF remote control. The circuit (transmitter and receiver) use few components and ordinary (I love few component circuits) . Its easy to build it because you don't have to tune-up any coil or variable capacitor. The RF modules are fix to work in 418MHz area.
Posted on Monday, November 15, 2010 • Category: Remote Control
This is the project of infrared vision system for a toy car. It will project 2 modulated IR beams ahead and detect any reflection of these beams on any obstacle ahead of the car. The circuit will then invert the car's motor for a given time thus changing the direction of advance as it goes in reverse. No special control for steering is necessary as the car has the front wheels' shaft in an eccentric support: when going forward it auto aligns itself, when running backwards the shaft turns and the car describes a curve.
Posted on Saturday, October 16, 2010 • Category: Remote Control
Here is a circuit of a remote control unit which makes use of the radio frequency signals to control various electrical appliances. This remote control unit has 4 channels which can be easily extended to 12.
Posted on Thursday, April 29, 2010 • Category: Remote Control
This is a true 'minimalist' remote, having but three functions:
Volume Up, Volume Down and Mute
Volume is controlled by a motorized (motorized for US readers) pot rather than any of the 'digital' pots that now abound, and this was done for a number of very good reasons.
Posted on Friday, April 23, 2010 • Category: Remote Control
The encoder/decoder parts are to be connected to a transmitter/receiver module which takes care of the transmission of digital signals by radio or infra waves. The communication signal format is designed to be used for radio transmission (it has a constant 50% signal/silence ratio), but it can work with infrared devices as well.
Posted on Friday, April 23, 2010 • Category: Remote Control
You can construct your own long range infrared (IR) wireless remote using Motorola's MC145026 emitter and MC145027 detector chips. With your remote you can control devices up to 20 feet (7 meters) away. It operates similiarly to a TV remote. You just point the emitter at the detector, push a transmit button. The detector then interprets your data signal. You can use this circuit to remotely turn on/off devices (like a motors, relays, home appliances).
Posted on Thursday, April 15, 2010 • Category: Remote Control
How many times you needed some remote control to handle some electric device ? many times. There are lot of remote controls like infrared, RF, SMS (like my other circuit) and more. The basic small-range remote controls are 2, Infrared and RF (Radio Frequency). One of the weaks of Infrared is that the signal can not pass the walls. So, if you want to control your garage door, the only way is to use some RF remote control. The circuit (transmitter and receiver) use few components and ordinary (I love few component circuits) . Its easy to build it because you don't have to tune-up any coil or variable capacitor. The RF modules are fix to work in 418MHz area.
Posted on Tuesday, April 13, 2010 • Category: Remote Control
RC5 Infrared Remote Control Receiver for Media Centers
A few time ago I decided to create a media center box to replace my DVD player, satellite receiver, VCR and my kid's Play Station 2
, to one device. So, I made a core 2 duo processor system that actually replaced with succeed, all my electronic devices. The only thing that was missing was a remote control to switch On/Off my Media Center. After I searched on the net to buy a complete remote control system, I saw that the price was a little bit high (about 90 euros). I checked my stuff to find my old 7-in-one remote control that I had bought 2 years ago and I started to build my own remote control receiver circuit.
Posted on Tuesday, April 13, 2010 • Category: Remote Control
This project is an expansion from another project from this website. On the one side you can read the RC5, RC5X and RC6 codes from remote controls on a LCD
and on the other hand you can send all thinkable RC5, RC5X and RC6 codes to a device. Besides is for this project a PCB layout drew to make it still more easier for you.
Posted on Thursday, April 8, 2010 • Category: Remote Control
This project is a 2 channel infrared (IR) remote controlled relay driver with power saving. It works with 12-bit SIRC IR signals as used by Sony remote controls. The board uses Microchip's low cost PIC10F200 microcontroller along with a handful of easy to find components making this possibly the lowest cost remote controlled relay driver around. The controller also features a power save feature which reduces the relay holding voltage to 50% of the relays nominal operating voltage once the relay has switched on.
Posted on Wednesday, July 8, 2009 • Category: Remote Control
The UIR is a device that enables you to control your PC with ANY remote controller you have (TV, VCR, CD or Stereo). Original hardware & software was designed by Martinus & Ties Bos. You should check their site first. There it was, now it has either moved or is unavailable. In this article you can find improved and simplified hardware scheme, software & hints for building the device.
The device is very simple: minimal version uses only 3 components! So if you are not planning a big serial production you will build it on experimental (universal) circuit board. This is the most correct schema:
Posted on Tuesday, April 22, 2008 • Category: Remote Control
This is an 8 Channel RF Remote Transmitter and Receiver that will allow to remotely control various electronic projects. RF Remote Control provides 2 latched and 6 momentary outputs that could be used to control your favorite devices such as amplifier, robotic devices, RC cars, computer, home appliances, lamps and many other cool gadgets.
Posted on Sunday, April 20, 2008 • Category: Remote Control
This is an assembled 4 Channel RF Remote Transmitter and Receiver with an impressive 200m range. Is simple to connect and it will allow you to remotely control various electronic projects. RF Remote Control provides 4 momentary outputs that could be used to control your favorite devices such as amplifier's volume control, selection of audio sources, wireless light control, light dimmers, robotic devices, motors, RC cars, computer, home appliances, and many other cool gadgets. If required momentary outputs can be easily converted to toggle with 4013 digital low cost IC.
Posted on Saturday, April 19, 2008 • Category: Remote Control
These tiny RF modules are great for building your own wireless remote control or wireless link. Remote control that allows to control different devices can be easily implemented with wide range of encoder/decoder chips (such as HOLTEK HT12E + HT12D or MC145026 + MC145027) or PIC / AVR microcontrollers. RF Module can also be used for sending data at up to 4.8KB/s.
Posted on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 • Category: Remote Control
This is an 8 Channel IR Remote Transmitter and Receiver based on SM5021 encoder and SM5032 decoder ICs. It is simple to build and will allow you to remotely control various electronic projects. IR Remote Control provides 2 latched and 6 momentary outputs that could be used to control your favorite devices such as amplifier's volume control and selection of audio sources, wireless light control, light dimmers, robotic devices, RC cars, computer, home appliances, and many other cool gadgets.
Posted on Wednesday, April 9, 2008 • Category: Remote Control
On these pages, I will introduce Remote Controller with Radio Frequency. The electric wave sending-out is controlled with the code by PIC for transmission and the code is deciphered by PIC for receiving.
Posted on Wednesday, April 2, 2008 • Category: Remote Control
How many times you needed some remote control to handle some electric device ? many times. There are lot of remote controls like infrared, RF, SMS (like my other circuit) and more. The basic small-range remote controls are 2, Infrared and RF (Radio Frequency). One of the weaks of Infrared is that the signal can not pass the walls. So, if you want to control your garage door, the only way is to use some RF remote control. The circuit (transmitter and receiver) use few components and ordinary (I love few component circuits) . Its easy to build it because you don't have to tune-up any coil or variable capacitor. The RF modules are fix to work in 418MHz area. © 2007-2025. All Rights Reserved.