Posted on Friday, April 12, 2013 • Category: FM Transmitters
Building two stage 40 Watt FM Transmitter Amplifier. RF input power should be between 0.5 and 1 watt. Amplifier is powered by 28V power supply. The diagram shows a 2N3375 driving a 2N5643 but there are many other transistors that will work. I used these two transistors just because they were cheap at the time. If any of the variable capacitors are at full capacitance you can pad them out with a fixed ceramic capacitor of suitable value. Extra capacitance also might be needed on the base of the transistors (i had to add 3 100pF capacitors on the base of the 2N5643). The transistors are bolted to a piece of right angle aluminum which is fixed to the metal chassis to dissipate heat effectively.
Build Accurate LC Meter and start making your own coils and inductors. This LC Meter allows to measure incredibly small inductances making it perfect tool for making all types of RF coils. LC Meter can measure inductances starting from 10nH - 1000nH, 1uH - 1000uH, 1mH - 100mH and capacitances from 0.1pF up to 900nF. The circuit includes an auto ranging and reset function to make sure the readings are as accurate as possible ... [more]