Posted on Wednesday, March 23, 2011 • Category:
USB Circuts
Sometimes you just need to connect some device to COM port, but computer don’t have one especially laptop. There are two ways – go and buy USB – COM adapter or build one. So if you decided to build USB to COM(RS232) adapter, there is one of solutions.
This adapter is very easy to build as there is single chip USB to UART bridge (CP2102) used. This chip from Silicon Labs support USB2.0 full speed, has internal Resistors required for USB interface, integrated clock, internal 1024 -byte EEPROM for vendor ID, Product ID serial number, power descriptor and other information. SP2102 USART part support almost all standard features of RS232 communication including handshaking, Databits (5, 6, 7 and 8); 1 or 2 stop bits; odd, even, mark, space and no parities; baud rate from 300bps to 1Mbits.
Device is powered from USB port and requires about 10mA. Chip drivers enable to connect this adapter to most of Operation systems like Win98, Win2000, WinXP, Linux.
USB to RS232 Adapter with FT232
USB - LCD with PIC Microcontroller & FT232
USB to RS232 Converter
USB IO Board PIC18F2455 / PIC18F2550
MAX3420 – Maxim USB Peripheral Controller
USB to RS232 Dongle
USB Switch
USB-PC 8-CH Power Switch
USB Device Charger
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